Been Waiting for Paper Mann Cup Tickets? Info Here!
On-line demand has been very high, but the host New Westminster Salmonbellies have set aside a limited number for fans who prefer paper tickets.
Paper tickets for Games 1 through 4 will go on sale at the Queen’s Park office on Wednesday, Sept 6 from 10 am - 4 pm (or for as long as supplies last).
No telephone ticket sales or reservations. First come, first served.
Maximum of 6 tickets per customer per game.
You can buy for more than one game at a time.
Tickets are for Games 1, 2, 3 and 4 only at this time. If other games are needed, we will release paper tickets and you will be notified by email.
Cash and debit accepted.
No reserve seating (except for season ticket holders who may use their usual seats).
No other paper ticket sales are expected for the first four games, but there are still tickets available at Eventbrite below.
Please help us spread the word!
See you at Queen’s Park!
P.S. The Salmonbellies just released a few more tickets for each game via Eventbrite.
P.P.S. Do NOT buy tickets from scalpers, either in person or on-line. We have had issues with many scammers re-selling tickets. Buy from the team only please!